Organizational structure

According to  UB statute document, BUK organization is headed by Bureau Head. Suitable with the the Regulation of Minister of Research, Technology and Higher Education No. 4 Year – 2016 about Organizational and Working Procedure Universitas Brawijaya, BUK Head supervises 3 Division Head, as follow :

1) General and Legal Affairs division consists of Administration and Protocol, Domestic,  Legal Affairs’ subdivision, and Archival and Public Relation subdivision.

2) Human Resources division consist of Lecturer and Employee’s sub division.

3) State Owned Property division consist of Procurement, Inventory and Write-Off subdivision.

Suitable with the BUK organizational structure, the main task and function of each personnel as follows:

Bureau head

–      Conducts coordination with other leaders and units (faculties/sections).

–      Give guidance and direction to the staff and together responsible in managing administration suitable with the prevailing regulations.

–      Conduct consultation and ask direction from rector or Vice Rector II about the facing obstacles  to get solution.

–      Responsibilities for the achievement of all activitis management based on the prevailing regulation.

1. Division Head of General and Legal Affairs

–      Coordinate the implementation of legal administration and management

–      Coordinate the implementation of secretariat affairs

–      Coordinate the implementation of domestic affairs

a.  Subdivision Head of Administration and Protocol

–      Arrange  work plan and program of subsection and prepare the work plan and program of general section

–      Accumulate and investigate the law and regulation in the administration field.

–      Collect, manage, and analyze the administration data

–      Conduct the correspondence affairs

–      Conduct the archiving affairs

–      Prepare the sending and delivery of static archive into national archive

–      Conduct the archive shrinkage

–      Conduct the document and letter storing at the administrative section

–      Arrange work plan and program of subdivision

–      Regulate and coordinate the protocol to inaugurate and dismiss an official

–      Regulate and coordinate the protocol to inaugurate  professor, anniversary, and graduation ceremony

–      Regulate and coordinate the protocol for seminar, workshop, etc that is attended by officials

–      Regulate and coordinate the protocol for taking the oath/pledge of civil servant

–      Regulate and coordinate the protocol for first milestone  and building official announcement.

–      Regulate and coordinate the protocol for cooperation signing

–      Regulate and coordinate protocol for the release of professor corpse

–      Fetch and usher the guess of officials/prominent figures

–      Coordinate with security that relate with the arrival of official/prominent figures.

–      Complete the incoming and outgoing mail  suitable with the leader disposition.

–      Archive the incoming and outgoing mail of the leader

–      Regulate the leader agenda

–      Handle the official travel of the leader

–      Make the regular report

–      Receive and answer the telephone, fax, email, and internet that relate with the duties and function

–      Help the leader task that relate with other interest

b.   Subdivision Head of Legal Affairs

–      Arrange  the work plan and program of HTL subsection

–      Accumulate, manage and analyze the data in the law and management field.

–      Prepare the materials for regulation and stipulation in the higher education and management field.

–      Process the decree issuance

–      Conduct document and letters storing in the law and management field.

–      Prepare the report of administrative and HTL subsection

c.    Subdivision Head of Domestic

–      Arrange work plan and program of the subsection and prepare the arrangement and work plan of facilities and infrastructure section

–      Accumulate and investigate the law and regulation in the domestic field.

–      Collect, manage, and analyze the data in the domestic field.

–      Prepare the materials to compile regulation and stipulation in domestic field.

–      Conduct the task of security, order, cleanliness, parking, street vendor, and beauty of environment.

–      Conduct the regulation of the use and maintenance of facilities and infrastructure of building and electricity.

–      Conduct the regulation of water and gas resources use

–      Conduct the preparation of official ceremony of work unit of Brawijaya  University.

–      Store the document and letter in the domestic field

–      Arrange the report of domestic subsection

 2. Division Head of Human Resource

–      Coordinate the service implementation of lecturer administration

–      Coordinate the service implementation of education employee

a. Subdivision Head of Lecturer

–      Arrange the yearly work plan at lecturer subsection

–      Arrange the employee need plan, including (a) civil servant formation (b) contract employee formation

–      Prepare the employee procurement, including (a) selection of civil servant employee (b) selection of contract employee (c) prepare the proposal  to appoint the civil servant candidate

–      Prepare the decree of civil servant candidate appointment  become civil servant, include (a) employee card (b) wife or husband card

–      Prepare the oath/pledge  of civil servant, coordinate with the administrative sub section and human resources  subsection

–      Prepare the assessment list of work implementation

–      Prepare the regular salary increase

–      Prepare the appointment in the functional post of lecturer

–      Prepare the lecturer post increase and their credit point

–      Prepare the rank/group increase of lecturer

–      Prepare the official test and diploma adjustment test, coordinate with administrative subsection  and human resources subsection head

–      Prepare the civil servant that take further study, include (a) study assignment (b) study permit (c) study statement

–      Prepare the appointment of lecturers that are given additional task, coordinate with human resources subsection

–      Prepare the appointment and handover  of post, coordinate with administrative subsection head  and human resources subsection

–      Prepare the appointment of extraordinary lecturer

–      Prepare the civil servant tenure review

–      Prepare the transference of civil servant

–      Prepare the reward for high performance lecturers

–      Prepare the lecturer certification

–      Prepare the pension age limit of civil servant that has professor post

–      Prepare the civil servant pension preparation program, coordinate with administrative subsection head and human resources subsection head

–      Prepare the appointment of emeritus professor

–      Accumulate, study and socialize the law and regulation in the staffing field.

–      Arrange the yearly work plan of human resources and information technology subsection

–      Prepare the information system of the carrier development of the non civil servant of permanent lecturer

–      Prepare the civil servant that   conduct the study assignment / study permit in domestic or abroad, including (a) study assignment (b) study permit  (c) study statement (d) agreement of study assignment  € agreement of study permit (f) reactivation. Coordinate with education subsection head and administrative subsection

–      Accumulate, study and socialize the law and regulation in the staffing field.

–      Arrange the yearly report

b. Subdivision Head of Educator

–      Arrange the yearly work plan at education subsection

–      Arrange the employee need plan include (a) civil servant formation (b) contract employee formation

–      Prepare the employee procurement include (a) selection of civil servant recruitment (b) selection of contract employee (c) prepare the proposal of the civil servant candidate

–      Prepare the decree of civil servant candidate become civil servant, include (a) employee card (b) wife/husband card

–      Prepare the oath/pledge  of civil servant, coordinate with the administrative sub section and human resources  subsection

–      Prepare the assessment list of work implementation

–      Prepare the regular salary increase

–      Prepare the appointment in the other functional post

–      Prepare the increase of other functional post

–      Prepare the rank/group increase of lecturer

–      Prepare the official test and diploma adjustment test, coordinate with administrative subsection  and human resources subsection head

–      Prepare the civil servant that take further study, include (a) study assignment (b) study permit (c) study statement

–      Prepare the appointment of civil servant in the structural post, based on  Baperjakat decision and coordinate with human resources subsection head.

–      Prepare the appointment and handover  of post, coordinate with administrative subsection head  and human resources subsection

–      Prepare the civil servant tenure review

–      Prepare the transference of civil servant

–      Prepare the reward for  (a) high performance librarian (b) high performance laboratory assistant (c) high performance employee

–      Prepare the lecturer certification

–      Prepare the civil servant pension preparation program, coordinate with administrative subsection head and human resources subsection head

–      Accumulate, study and socialize the law and regulation in the staffing field.

–      Prepare the development and implementation of staffing information system

–      Prepare the staffing website management

–      Arrange the civil servant and non civil servant need

–      Prepare the education and pre post training participants

–      Prepare the dispatch of education and training participant in posit, include (a) leadership education  and training (b) functional education and training (c) technical education and training

–      Arrange the yearly report

3. Division Head of State Owned Property

–      Coordinate the inventory and deletion implementation

–      Coordinate the procurement implementation

a. Subdivision Head of Inventory and Write-off Asset

–      Prepare the work plan and program of inventory and deletion subsection

–      Accumulate and study the law and regulation in the inventory and deletion field.

–      Conduct the regulation of use and maintenance of official vehicles

–      Conduct the document and mail storage  at the equipment and services

–      Arrange the consumable (office stationary) needs in the head office and other units

–      Arrange the supporting equipment of capital goods: LCD, wireless, transportation vehicles, and other equipment

–      Propose the stationary procurement for 1 semester or 1 year

–      Help the procurement of materials/equipment/office stationary that is incidental

–      Stationary services in the head office environment and the supporting unit in the head office

–      Supporting equipment rental services  such as LCD projector + Tripod/screen, wireless, megaphone, sport equipment, and other communication equipment

–      Conduct the distribution of alma mater coat, jacket, and singlet for new student of channel: invitation, mission-sight, SNMPTN, SPMK, SPKD/SPKIns.

–      Administration of state property include: series of book keeping activities, inventory and codification and adjustment of DIR/DBR in the head office and the supporting units.

–      Conduct the reporting of the state property asset procurement of capital goods  (building, motor vehicles, office equipment) regularly each three month with SIMAK  BMN application.

–      Conduct the reporting of consumable /stationary mutation with  SIMAK Procurement  application

–      Conduct the identification and logging of land asset with management system of governmental land accounting application (SIMANTAP)

–      Conduct the proposal of the state property asset use status of Brawijaya university work unit to the  goods user authority (Ministry of Education and Culture) and to the Goods Manager (Ministry of Finance).

–      Conduct the proposal of the state property deletion process that can not be used (heavy damage) in the form of office equipment, motor vehicle, and building.

–      Log and propose the asset use permit of building and land to the goods user authority and to the goods manager

–      Conduct the document and mail storing  in the equipment and services field

b. Subdivision Head of Procurement

–      Arrange the work plan and program of procurement section in a one year budget

–      Accumulate, analyze, manage and present the matrix results data from the work units

–      Arrange the procurement packaging suitable with the budget item (building, equipment, other infrastructures) for auction process

–      Arrange the decree concept that relate with the procurement process

–      Coordinate with the procurement services electronically  in implementing the electronic auction system.